Saturday, January 27, 2007

That's Entertainment Hosts now are full-pledge actors!

Ever wonder what happened to the famous triplets? Yup, Sheryl, Manilyn and Tina. And not so long ago they were paired with the most sought after matenee idols such as Cris Villanueva, Romnick Sarmenta and Janno Gibbs.

Sheryl Cruz now reunited with Romnick Sarmenta in their recent number one primetime Teleserye, Bakekang. And obviously though the two now live their own happy lives separately, both still chose to remain friends. And working together has never caused commotions. Really i think they still click.

As per Manilyn Reynes and Janno Gibbs, after the Bing Loyzaga revelation being pregnant and wedding after; they never again did anything together. And the thought of being in a movie as co-workers haven't yet crossed the minds of the other producers. Nonetheless these actors have their own busy schedules. Janno now hosts an afternoon show, while Manily becomes more active.

And as equally famous former couple, Tina Paner and Cris Villanueva now have completely drifted apart. Cris Villanueva now stars as a famous character actor and has never really stopped trying to reinvent himself to each time he works. And known to many, Tina Paner now resides in Spain as a full pledge mother and does booking for the stars of ABS CBN for some European Tours.

Just recently we saw the 21st Anniversary of That's Entertainment, and seeing Manilyn Reynes reminds everyone of the famous triplet couples. We hope to see the three couple reunited even in a movie. Of course, it'll be gross if they'll still play sweet-sweet love teams, but at least as profesional actors. After all, Cris Villanueva, Sheryl Cruz, Manilyn Reynes have been proving to the viewers how much they've evolved into brilliant actors.

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